Friday 8 April 2011

New Year's Resolutions The Update

As you may remember, in January I gave you a list of 6 of my New Year's resolutions. So far, there are only really 2 that I am on the way to achieving or have done already.

Numbers 1 and 2 were to set up Workplace Giving so I could donate to 3 charities every month, and to donate money every time I bought or sold on Ebay. I am happy to say that this has been a complete success. As I told you all last time, I'm donating to Bowel Cancer UK, Heart Research UK and the NSPCC, and have donated to many charities via Ebay including Tommy's Baby Charity and Heartbeat, a small charity in Preston who helped my Grandad to get better after a heart attack and major surgery. I may not be the richest person in the world, but if I can afford to feed my shoe habit, I can afford to donate to charity and help people that really need the money and support.
Number 3 was to write on my blog 4 times a week. As you may have noticed, I haven't been too successful with this one. I definitely need to try harder but as usual, life gets in the way. If only I could give up my day job and do this full time, then maybe I might have a chance of succeeding in my third resolution! But I promise to do my best. And this week, I'll be pretty much posting all 4 in a day! One extreme to another : )
For number 4, I decided to follow my passion and become a Trainee Buyer. As some of you will know, my meetings with my Manager have gone well and she's been very supportive of my wish to explore a buying career. Although she doesn't want to lose me, she also doesn't want to stand in my way. So with that in mind, I have been meeting with a current Trainee Buyer at work to discuss her job. She's been a brilliant insight in to a department I have little contact with on a day to day basis. She has managed to provide me with detailed information about her daily tasks, career aspirations, previous experience and all other little details I never would have known! I'm really hoping this will give me that extra knowledge to stand out in any interviews I might attend in the future. All I can say right now is, watch this space.
Number 5 was to lose half a stone and tone up. Now as we speak I am sat eating some Dairy Milk in bed. But I'm ill so I'm allowed. But I have been trying my best. I've started taking Zumba classes and Step classes once a week, and am hoping to add Aerobics to my timetable too. These have really helped motivate me as they're so much more fun than just running for miles (or maybe metres!) on a treadmill. If you struggle for motivation in the gym like me, definitely give classes a go. As losing the weight goes, I was doing fantastic and I could fit in my skinny jeans before I went on holiday. However, Budapest seems to do the best chocolate puddings I have ever tasted in my life, and I had one every night for five nights. So as it stands, I think I put the weight back on.
Finally, I had planned to run the 10k Race for Life as my 6th New Year's Resolution. Unfortunately, I'm not 100% there's going to be an event near where I live for me to take part in. So this year I will have to either repeat last year and just go with the 5k, or take part in another 10k race and choose a charity of my own. But I promise I'll run for something!

So there you have it, my current progress for 2011.  I think I've probably added a few more resolutions as the months have gone on, but I won't bore you anymore with my lack of achievements! Hope you're all doing well with any personal goals you have for the year. Good luck.

Love and four leaf clovers,

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