Tuesday 7 February 2012

The bubble bursts

Apologies for my recent absence. I've been fighting for, preparing for, completing and waiting for feedback from my trainee buyer interview and presentation. Unfortunately that ship has sailed and I'm not on it. So I'm back to concentrating on my blog! I'm totally gutted as it was a fantastic job and I felt I'd truly improved from last time. What makes it worse and better all at once is the interviewer thought I was fantastic and has since told me I'm definitely ready for the job. The only reason I didn't get it was because someone else had more experience. But we're getting closer! Could it be third time lucky?? We'll see what HR comes up with next.
In the mean time, I can get back to my day job, my sewing projects and my house jobs. The Cath Kidston bag is very nearly finished-obviously went on hold whilst all this was going on! I'll post some pictures when I'm done.
Hope you all have a fab Friday.
Lots of love,
VA. xxx

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